Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Bridge!

After the wedding, Sonny and I went to this bridge that we came across on our honeymoon about a year ago! We love the look, so we decided to take another picture under it! It's hard to believe it's been almost a year! God has been so good and has always provided for us.

Joe & Lori's Wedding

We had such a good time at the wedding! Chris did a great job of organizing everything. Lori looked beautiful and Joe looked sooo happy! The weather was great! God cleared away the clouds and the sun came shining through! It was great to see the months of planning be played out so well! Congratulations, Joe and Lori, and may your life be filled with happiness!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I had another photoshoot in Holland at the beach, so I took these pictures while we were there! The summer is pretty much gone! Fall is coming fast! I love the weather change! Just more proof of God's power!
Sunflower and wave
Sonny & My Footprint!
Kissing Shadow!
Big Red Lighthouse in Holland